Payment Options - All Patient Types Accepted
Private Health Insurance

We run off a staggered pricing system at Physio Labs, ranging from Level 1 through to Level 6. This reflects the Physiotherapist’s qualifications and experience.
This means that the price of treatment will depend on which practitioner you are booked in to see.
As each private health provider and level of cover differ from one another, to get an idea of any out of pocket GAP's it is best to contact your private health provider directly with the consultation cost as well as the relevant HICAPS code - This information can be provided to you when you speak with one of our friendly receptionists to book an appointment.
This means that the price of treatment will depend on which practitioner you are booked in to see.
As each private health provider and level of cover differ from one another, to get an idea of any out of pocket GAP's it is best to contact your private health provider directly with the consultation cost as well as the relevant HICAPS code - This information can be provided to you when you speak with one of our friendly receptionists to book an appointment.

We accept patients with approved WorkCover claims at Physiolabs.
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under a WorkCover claim when calling in to make your appointment.
Prior to booking your appointment, the information you MUST be able to provide is:
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under a WorkCover claim when calling in to make your appointment.
Prior to booking your appointment, the information you MUST be able to provide is:
- Claim Number
- Case Manager at WorkCover and their contact number and email address (if available)
- Current 'Work capacity certificate - workers' compensation' issued to you by your GP.
Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC)

We accept patients under an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) at Physiolabs.
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under an EPC when calling in to make your appointment.
If you attend one of our clinics between 09:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday*, this EPC is used as a 'Fully Paid Claim' - As we are unable to Bulk Bill, what this means is that the patient will pay outright for the appointment at a reduced cost of $55.10 and we will then send this off to Medicare on your behalf for a rebate to be processed for this full amount. Note: *This applies to level 1 and 2 physiotherapists ONLY.
If you attend one of our clinics outside of 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday, or see a physiotherapist who is level 3 or above, a payment for the full consultation fee for the practitioner you are booked in to see will be due, and we will then send a claim off to Medicare on your behalf for a rebate to be processed for the amount of $55.10 meaning there will be an out of pocket GAP.
You MUST ensure your bank details are up to date and linked with Medicare in order for this rebate to be processed successfully in to your nominated bank account.
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under an EPC when calling in to make your appointment.
If you attend one of our clinics between 09:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday*, this EPC is used as a 'Fully Paid Claim' - As we are unable to Bulk Bill, what this means is that the patient will pay outright for the appointment at a reduced cost of $55.10 and we will then send this off to Medicare on your behalf for a rebate to be processed for this full amount. Note: *This applies to level 1 and 2 physiotherapists ONLY.
If you attend one of our clinics outside of 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday, or see a physiotherapist who is level 3 or above, a payment for the full consultation fee for the practitioner you are booked in to see will be due, and we will then send a claim off to Medicare on your behalf for a rebate to be processed for the amount of $55.10 meaning there will be an out of pocket GAP.
You MUST ensure your bank details are up to date and linked with Medicare in order for this rebate to be processed successfully in to your nominated bank account.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

We accept patients under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) at Physiolabs.
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under an NDIS plan when calling in to make your appointment.
We accept participants who are self managed, plan managed or NDIA managed.
For more information on how Physio Labs can help you - please give your nearest Physio Labs location a call.
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under an NDIS plan when calling in to make your appointment.
We accept participants who are self managed, plan managed or NDIA managed.
For more information on how Physio Labs can help you - please give your nearest Physio Labs location a call.
Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA)

We accept patients under Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA) at Physiolabs.
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under DVA when calling in to make your appointment.
We accept both White and Gold card holders - Please note we will take a scan of your card at your first appointment.
We do require a completed 'D0904 DVA Request/Referral' from your referring GP to be brought in to you first appointment.
Please specify that you will be attending the clinic under DVA when calling in to make your appointment.
We accept both White and Gold card holders - Please note we will take a scan of your card at your first appointment.
We do require a completed 'D0904 DVA Request/Referral' from your referring GP to be brought in to you first appointment.