Hip Pain and Injury
Hip pain is quite common!
It is also spread across all age groups. But it is more common in the older population due to age-related issues such as hip arthritis/ inflammation of the hip joint.
Youngsters might experience hip pain after prolonged activities such as running, jumping, or landing activities.
At Physio Labs we have specialists who diagnose right, help you recover sooner, and also prevent further damage.
What causes sports hip injuries?
The structure of hip joint
It is connected to your pelvis, the sacroiliac joint, and to the lumbar spine (lower back.) It makes it complex to assess and analyze its dysfunction.
It is also spread across all age groups. But it is more common in the older population due to age-related issues such as hip arthritis/ inflammation of the hip joint.
Youngsters might experience hip pain after prolonged activities such as running, jumping, or landing activities.
At Physio Labs we have specialists who diagnose right, help you recover sooner, and also prevent further damage.
What causes sports hip injuries?
- Hip weakness which can be visible on a slow-motion video
- Biomechanical deficit
* Biomechanics is the combination of internal and external forces on your body which create movements.
The structure of hip joint
It is connected to your pelvis, the sacroiliac joint, and to the lumbar spine (lower back.) It makes it complex to assess and analyze its dysfunction.
Symptoms of hip pain
Groin pain is one of the commonest symptoms of hip joint issues especially arthritis/ inflammation of hip joint.
Hip pain can affect several functions such as
Why should you address hip pain?
Balance issues can lead to fall, thus fracture. Right intervention can improve balance, prevent it from deteriorating, and prevent fractures.
If needed a walking stick, crutch, or a walking frame can be used.
Diagnosis of hip pain
As hip joint is a complex structure, you need a thorough analysis of hip joint and the structures connecting to hip joint to get to the root cause of hip pain. Thus, you need to assess the following:
Groin pain is one of the commonest symptoms of hip joint issues especially arthritis/ inflammation of hip joint.
Hip pain can affect several functions such as
- The ability to walk
- Sitting to standing
- Standing on one leg
- Climbing stairs
- Sleeping
- Difficulty balancing
Why should you address hip pain?
Balance issues can lead to fall, thus fracture. Right intervention can improve balance, prevent it from deteriorating, and prevent fractures.
If needed a walking stick, crutch, or a walking frame can be used.
Diagnosis of hip pain
As hip joint is a complex structure, you need a thorough analysis of hip joint and the structures connecting to hip joint to get to the root cause of hip pain. Thus, you need to assess the following:
- The biomechanics of the hip joint
- The alignment of the pelvis and sacroiliac joints
- The functioning of pelvis and sacroiliac joints
- Deep hip muscle control and activation patterns
- Middle and superficial hip muscle control, strength and function
- Deep abdominal, core and pelvic floor muscle control
- Lumbar spine/ lower back
- The length and strength of upper thigh muscles
- The extensibility of nerves such as femoral and sciatic
- Entire lower limbs including groin, hip, knee, foot, and ankle
- Biomechanics and functional assessment of lower limbs
At Physio Labs we have super specialists with speciality in hip pain and injuries. As you know well begun is half done! Your recovery starts from the right diagnosis at Physio Labs.
- https://physioworks.com.au/Injuries-Conditions/Regions/hip-pain-joint-injury
- https://www.physio.co.uk/what-we-treat/musculoskeletal/symptoms/biomechanical-problems.php
References for Images:
- https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rogerbrighton.com%2Fimages%2Fnormal-anatomy-of-hip-joint.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rogerbrighton.com%2Fanatomy-of-the-hip-dr-roger-brighton-hip-knee-surgeon.html&docid=gjnwOYA26xQYIM&tbnid=1qaiQvJ4t-cweM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjT0ZLs85HnAhUnwzgGHcQcALwQMwiEASgFMAU..i&w=300&h=189&bih=754&biw=1536&q=hip%20joint&ved=0ahUKEwjT0ZLs85HnAhUnwzgGHcQcALwQMwiEASgFMAU&iact=mrc&uact=8
- https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.clevelandclinic.org%2Fhealthinfo%2FShowImage.ashx%3FPIC%3D4289&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmy.clevelandclinic.org%2Fhealth%2Fdiseases%2F17736-sacroiliitis&docid=WYEnclPkL7EDpM&tbnid=mQ0xDALomGgzgM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwimr6HQ35TnAhXa63MBHZfvBGMQMwhRKAEwAQ..i&w=975&h=829&bih=754&biw=1536&q=pelvis%20and%20sacroiliac%20joints&ved=0ahUKEwimr6HQ35TnAhXa63MBHZfvBGMQMwhRKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8