Athletes are not the only population to get muscle tears. In fact, muscle tears can occur at any point of the life spectrum. Tears occur when the activity puts more stress than the healthy muscle can handle or when the weak/unhealthy muscle cannot cope with activity. Our shoulders are extremely versatile to allow us to reach in all directions. Unfortunately, this increase in mobility means the muscles of the shoulder need to work quite hard to stabilise the joint. The stabilising role falls to a group of 4 muscles call the rotator cuff. It is not uncommon to find tears in one of these muscles after a bout of activity particularly if it is more than what you would normally do. If you thought tears in these muscles are painful, you would be correct most of the time. Factors like size of the tear, type of tear and age all play a role in the pain you might feel. Whilst the severity of the tear can differ based on the size of the tear. The severity can also be determined by the type of tear.
All the physios at Physiolabs use the latest evidence to guide diagnosis and treatment planning. We also work together to address your rehabiliation goals. For more information give us a call on 5610 1933 otherwise visit our website
The TMJ is a hinge like joint and comprises of the jaw and the skull. The connection of these two bones allows the joint to slide and move like a hinge. The primary role of the TMJ is to allow you to eat, talk and use facial expressions. This joint also contains an articular disc which is located between the jaw and the skull. The disc’s main function is to act as a shock absorber as well as assisting with a smooth sliding motion as the jaw moves. TMJ pain or dysfunction can be caused by a traumatic or non-traumatic event. Traumatic causes could be the result of an object hitting or coming into contact with the jaw. There are numerous causes of non-traumatic TMJ pain some of which include decreased muscle length, displacement of the disc or eating chewy foods. Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction
How can physio help?
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, our team of physiotherapists would gladly assist you with your TMJ pain or dysfunction. We can assist you by:
Articular Disc - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics (Kinesiology of the temporomandibular joint) TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint & Muscle Disorders) | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research ( Have you heard about osteoarthritis or have you been recently diagnosed with it? Well today it’s time to spread the light and debunk some myths about it. Osteoarthritis is a condition which is characterised by the breakdown of the cartilage that overlies the ends of bones in joints. The interesting thing with osteoarthritis is not everyone that has it actually has pain or reduced function! Now here is some even better news
This suggests that just because you are diagnosed with Osteoarthritis does not mean that you are destined to feel pain. The chances are actually probably higher that you go your whole life without feeling any pain! Now what exactly causes your pain then? Well, a lot of research suggests it has a lot to do with the way your walk/ sit/ move which can affect the amount of load that is put on your joints.
Now this is all great news!! If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, come down and see us at Physiolabs. We will set you up with a good exercise program for strength and movement, and if all things go to plan you should return to full function without pain in no time! References
Stretching is commonly thought to be essential for flexibility and for preventing injury, however this is not always the case. Research has shown that stretching does not significantly improve performance or reduce the risk of injury. Stretching has its role if you solely want to improve flexibility, however if you’re looking for something to improve flexibility and more, try eccentric exercises. What are eccentric exercises?
Eccentric exercises involve a movement where the muscle is contracting and lengthening at the same time. The lowering portion of any lift are examples of eccentric movements. What are the benefits of eccentric exercises?
how do you do eccentric exercises?
Examples #stretching #eccentrics #performance #strength #flexibility #injuryprevention #physio #physiotherapy #exercises References
When someone is describing their shoulder injury, you will most likely hear the words 'rotator cuff’ at some point. Perhaps you read some information about your shoulder pain and came across these words. But what actually is it and what does it do? In summary, the rotator cuff is the collective name for 4 specific muscles of the shoulder. These muscles are:
What do they do?
The rotator cuff muscles are involved in most movements produced at the shoulder, primarily rotation as the name implies. As a group, the rotator cuff muscles are responsible for providing stabilisation to the shoulder during movement. As the shoulder moves, the rotator cuff muscles work to hold the head of the humerus within the glenoid (shoulder socket) to allow smooth movement through the entire range of motion. Why is it important?
An injury to the rotator cuff can result in pain and loss of function at the shoulder, as all muscles must work together to produce stability and normal movement. Due to the relatively small size and strength of the rotator cuff, injuries are common. Did you know? Based on research, 1 in 5 people are currently living with a rotator cuff tear. The majority of these tears are minor in nature and less than half are symptomatic (painful). Like any muscle, the rotator cuff should be trained to maintain strength and prevent injury. Find out if your shoulder pain is caused by the rotator cuff here at Physio Labs and let us guide you on the road to recovery. #rotatorcuff #shoulder #physiolabs #physiotherapy #supraspinatus #infraspinatus #teres minor #subscapularis References Could just be bad luck. Or it could be due to an underlying condition with our bones – Osteoporosis. Loosely translated it means ‘porous bone’. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) defines osteoporosis as “a condition where bones become thin, weak and fragile, such that even a minor bump or accident can cause a broken bone…”. Risk Factors
Signs and Symptoms
What are the signs and symptoms?
What can be done? Research has indicated a healthy diet including calcium, protein and Vitamin D can help with bone growth. Supplements/medication as prescribed by your GP may also be necessary. However, diet and supplements alone are not sufficient. The AIHW recommends “behaviour modification such as regular weight-bearing and resistance exercise” to help prevent osteoporosis. Regular weight bearing and strength exercises help maintain and promote bone mineral density. It is never too late to improve your bone health. #osteoporosis #BMD #fractures #bonestrength References Looking to increase your muscle Strength? Has your strength plateaued and come to a standstill? Want to enjoy all the benefits of a strength program including increased bone strength, reduced risk of injury and enhanced ability to do everyday activities? Here at Physiolabs we believe in keeping things simple to achieve your goals. To do this we use 4 key training principles. Principle 1: Periodisation
Principle 2: Overload
Principle 3: Specificity
Principle 4: Loading patterns
Let Physiolabs help you reap the rewards of a strength program today! #physiolabs #physiotherapy #strength #training #trainingprinciples #overload References
Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine: 5th Edition 28/10/2021 Would You Like to Prevent Musculoskeletal Pain Whilst Working at the Office or Home?Read NowIf you were spending 8 hours of your day in the kitchen would you want your kitchen bench to be too low and your cupboards out of reach? No! Having an appropriate workspace set up is key to not only making your workday comfortable, but avoiding musculoskeletal injuries. Sitting at a desk for 40 hours a week is inevitable for most. As a result of this, at Physiolabs we see far too many people showing the detriment of a poor workspace set up. The below graphic highlights key components of workspace set up. A correct workspace set up can reduce the risk of the following conditions:
At Physiolabs not only do we want to get you pain free and living your best life, we want to keep you pain free long after you leave us. Even better, we prefer to prevent injuries, before they happen. Key Features of an Ergonomic Workspace Set-up:
- Providing advice and information on correct positioning of work equipment - Conducting thorough musculoskeletal assessment to understand the cause of your discomfort - Provide tailor made exercise programs to address your needs and PREVENT any future issues #physiolabs #injuryprevention #workingfromhome #painfree #exercise Did you know that during the first game back after an injury, the chance of re-injury is 87% higher compared to regular season games. This includes the chance of muscle injury rate being 158% higher! Returning to sport too soon can lead to an increased rate of re-injury.
This increased injury risk can be attributed to various factors which need to be considered in your rehab. Common Questions how long is it going to take until I can play?
This is dependent on factors such as tissue healing, current presentation (e.g. range of motion, strength, biomechanics), sport-specific demands and amount of treatment. For example, a grade 2 hamstring strain can take up to 6 weeks to heal. It is important to note that this does not mean at 6 weeks you can return to sport, as after an injury occurs there is a period of deconditioning and adaptations which occur and need to be addressed. If it is not addressed, this increases your re-injury risk. how can I return to play as soon as I can?
Common sporting injuries have return-to-sport criteria which need to be met to decrease the risk of re-injury. For example, it is recommended that the injured limb needs to be able to perform testing at 90% compared to the non-injured side. The physiotherapist will discuss this with you and develop a plan on how to get there. #physiolabs #physiotherapy #returntosport #rehabilitation #expectations References
Here at Physio labs, our exercise classes are semi-supervised and tailored to your specific goals, treatment focus and injury history. Our team is passionate about exercise therapy as a way to relieve your pain, achieve your goals and prevent injury. Our initial consultation involves assessing your specific impairments (strength, range, and function) as well as your injury history and goals. Following our assessment, your physiotherapist will take you through specific and targeted exercises best suited to you and your history. The classes themselves are supervised and semi private. This means you will be exercising with up to five other people, all with unique goals of their own. Your physiotherapist will be present at all times. But what makes our classes so great?
If you’re interested in joining us, check out our website for pricing and timetables for our available classes. Classes available
#physiolabs #physiotherapy # exercise #class #strength References |
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